Bem everyone! My 1st week here in the Provo MTC and everything is great here.
The language is tough and my teacher doesnt speak a bit of English but I guess
that’s how you learn! So far we have already taught 4 lessons in Portuguese to an
investigator so that was fun.
all my friends that told me there was a cream soda tree....I hate you. :) haha There’s
so many rumors that get passed around about the MTC and none of them are true!!
Haha I knew it. The food here is seriouly so good. It’s all you can eat too so
I guess you could say I’ve gained a few pounds which I personally didn’t would
be possible. My companion is a character haha! I love him and he has some of
the funniest stories I’ve ever heard. Days here literally feel like weeks.
It feels like forever here, especially because I’ll be in here for another 6
weeks! I’m glad I’m here and I’m glad I’ve got to experience everything I’ve experienced
so far. Its pretty cool to see the changes in yourself even though it’s only been a few days. I’ll be
sure to tell you guys more next week! Eu amo voces! Tchau.
Elder Thomas