Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Week 4 in the MTC

Tudo Bem everyone. Another week down and 2 more left! This week was really interesting. I've now taught so many lessons to so many investigators that I forget their names sometimes and I call them by something totally different haha. Its actually really funny cause they're not suppose to break character but I usually get them to laugh so that's fun! haha. We also got to have Chik-fil-A here last night!! I was soooo happy. I have been seriously so sick of the food I even thought about fasting so that I could endure this food for a few more weeks haha. So last night was a huge help haha. It was soooo good, it was heavenly. My mouth was watering when I was waiting in line so that was one of my highlights haha.  

Another highlight happened while I was teaching a lesson in priesthood...I really dont think I've felt the spirit as strong as it was in that room. While I was teaching our zone a lesson on obedience the spirit was just speaking through me. My entire lesson I had planned sorta when to sham. I didn't really use anything I wrote down. I used alot of scriptures that really impacted some of the Elders. It was really awesome. Even some of the Branch Council members said that I taught and said things that they had never heard before. This experience really helped me see the impact the spirit can have. I love the spirit here and I love this gospel. I hope all of you are doing well! I miss and love all of you. I'll talk to you guys next week.

Eu Amos Voces. Tchao. 

Love Elder Thomas